Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Columbia College Chicago

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Columbia College Chicago is a private institution of higher learning specializing in arts and media. Founded in 1890 as the Columbia School of Oratory, Columbia College Chicago is located in the South Loop district.

Although the university has provided various studies majors, but a popular course of study at Columbia College Chicago covering film and video, art and design, and entertainment and media management. It can not be separated from the main focus of the university that pays special attention to the arts and media.

For their dedication and these programs, Columbia College Chicago is one of the few universities that offers undergrad program in cultural studies. Because there are not many universities around the world that provide the academic degree programs.

There is a pride for all members of the university when, in 2011, YouTube launched the first YouTube Creator Institute programs at the school. Given YouTube itself is one of the most effective medium to connect with one another.

To support these programs, the university has also provided a museum, eight galleries (three of the which are exclusively devoted to student work) and an art shop. So that would make it easier for students to obtain additional information regarding the chosen field of study.

With the entertainment industry is more advanced in the world, especially in the United States, coupled with the presence of the Semester in LA program, allowing the students at this university to experience the business of Hollywood while networking with professionals in the industry. Thus, the existence of the program, students will gain hands-on experience from the field and from people who are experts in the field.

According to the latest data reported by the university has recently stated that there is a 96,000-person network of alumni, the which is the largest of alumni networks of any arts and media college internationally.

Well for those of you who want to study at Columbia College Chicago, until finally getting academic degree program to which you aspire to and capable of working in the Hollywood film industry, please go to the address of the university to apply directly or visit the official website in advance to obtain information further at

1 comment:

  1. For their dedication and these programs, Columbia College Chicago is one of the few universities that offers undergrad program in cultural studies. Thanks your share bro......

    Regard ~ Online Colleges in Alabama
