Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Southern Methodist University

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Southern Methodist University is a private individual higher education institution founded in 1911, the university is located in Dallas, Texas, United States. Southern Methodist University is affiliated with the United Methodist Church.

To print a qualified in their respective fields, Southern Methodist University has been providing educational programs that offer bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. The academic program includes, 40 undergraduate majors, 57 minors programs, 13 doctoral programs and 19 master's programs and much more.

So that teaching and learning takes place with comfortable and fun, Southern Methodist University has been providing facilities such as libraries, museums and many more facilities owned by Southern Methodist University. Suppose a student wants to seek additional information about the field of study they learned, they can find that information in the library.

In order to develop the talents and creativity of students in non-academic fields, Southern Methodist University also has provided organization and sororities. Southern Methodist University has about 200 organizations or sororities.

Southern Methodist University has a team of athletes consisting of teams of men and women, with pride mascot, dubbed by mutsang, Southern Methodist University athletic teams compete to be the best in the competition between universities in NCAA Division I.

As one of the leading universities with the quality of education is very high quality, it is appropriate if alumnus of Southern Methodist University many who become famous and successful people in their field, one of them was Laura Bush, a former first lady, James Isray, is CEO and owner Indianaplis Colts and David Dillon.

Above is the information about Southern Methodist University, for those of you who want to study to obtain an academic degree that you want from one of the best universities, please visit the address above to register. Or find out information in advance on the official website http//www.smu.edu

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