Thursday, May 14, 2015

Lawrence University

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Lawrence University is a private institution of higher learning liberal arts founded in 1847. Lawrence University has a main building covering an area of ​​84 hectares located in the town of Appleton, WI.
This university is strategically located place because located in downtown Appleton, making it easier for visitors, or anyone who wants to go there.

 Besides other parts of Lawrence University, located on the banks of Lake Michigan that offers a beautiful panorama and a quiet atmosphere, making Lawrence University ideal place for teaching and learning.

In the academic field, Lawrence University offers studies Freshman and Senior experience, thesis or capstone project. While still studying at the university students are required to live in housing that has been provided by the university. It is intended that the concentration of the students in learning, not distracted or affected by the outside world promiscuity which had a negative impact, and ultimately have an impact on poor student achievement.

According to university records, was around 70% of students enrolled in the department of arts and sciences, while studies quarter at Lawrence Conservatory of Music. Lecturing activities in the university calendar often lasts three semesters, or three 10-week terms. For those students who excel or students who come from poor families do not need to worry, because the university also provides scholarships. In 2014, there were four students who get this facility.

Lawrence University has a tradition that is called or an annual event that has been around since 1966, one of the event called "The Great Midwest Trivia Contest". This event is usually held in January, and the event lasts 50 hours without any dive time for rest breaks. This event is also broadcast on the radio, and other electronic media.

The University has 22 sports teams, divided into teams of men and women, with pride mascot nicknamed the Viking. University sports team is there one founding member of the Midwest. It is also competing to be the best in the competition between universities in NCAA Division III.

Above is the description information about Lawrence University, for those of you who are interested in studying from one of the best universities is to obtain an academic degree that you want, please visit the above address to enroll, and be part of Lawrence University. For more details, please visit the official website at

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