Sunday, May 31, 2015

Smith College

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Smith College is a private liberal arts college for women. Which was built in the year, 1871. The university is located in Northampton, MA. at the beginning founded Smith College has only 14 pupils, but thanks to his hard work for printing alumni professionals in their field. And now smith College has become one of the world's best universities.

And was recently incorporated in the Smith College Consortium, which consists of the best universities including the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mount Holyoke and Hampshire colleges and university Amherst.

In order to meet the needs of students in their studies, Smith College offers more than 1,000 programs in more than 50 fields of study, which offers a wide variety of degree programs. For students who are lucky, they will get a chance to finish studying abroad.

Smith College is also providing student housing, this housing is provided to provide convenience to students in learning activities. Unlike universities in general, Smith College does not provide sororities, but instead, students can join and participate with 100 clubs and organizations that provided by Smith College.

Students can join and participate in the university sports clubs to develop their talent or just a hobby for them. Smith College has 13 sports teams with the mascot, dubbed the calls "Pioneers". The university sports teams participate in the NCAA Division III athletics and women's sports teams weeks to compete in the New England Women.

And for those of you who want to study at Smith College, until finally obtaining an academic degree which you aspire, can apply directly to the university address or visit the official website of Smith College in advance to obtain more information on

Friday, May 29, 2015

Cornell University

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Cornell University is a private research university located in Ithaca, New York, United States. University which stands on an area of ​​2,300 is reached, founded in 1865.

Students can choose from more than 70 degree option that has been offered by Cornell University. Not only that, Cornell University also offers various degrees that cover a variety of fields. Meanwhile, to support its learning activities on campus, Cornell University also conduct cooperation with the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology.

In addition to offering academic programs, students can also join a variety of non-academic activities have also been provided by the university. Examples are as extracurricular, student organizations, sports and other activities that can hone their talents and abilities of students.

As one of the largest universities in the country, Cornell University has 260 buildings. The main building consists of the campus, and a library. The university library has a collection of books published only 5 pieces worldwide.

For students who have a hobby sport, they can channel their talent by joining a sports team owned by Cornell University. With mascot, dubbed as the "Big Red", Cornell University sports teams compete to be the best in the NCAA Division I athletics.

As one of the famous universities, and has a quality of education that is not in doubt. It is appropriate if an alumni of Cornell University many who become influential people in the world, one of which is a former Citigroup CEO Sanford Weill and CTO of Cisco's Padmasree Warrior, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, author EB White and Toni Morrison.

Well, for those of you who are interested to study at Cornell University, and eventually obtain a degree that you aspire, can go to the address above to register directly, or visit the official website of the university in advance to get more information at

Monday, May 25, 2015

Columbia University

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Columbia University is a private university founded in 1754, these universities located in New York, USA. According to the Columbia University is one of the oldest existing university in the country.

To support projects that are owned, Columbia University in cooperation with several important people, and winner of the Nobel. For students who excel university also gave the opportunity to study abroad. In this case Columbia University has conducted research agreement with several countries, namely, Nairobi, Beijing, Istanbul, Mumbai, Paris and Santiago.

In order to achieve the vision and mission is to deliver a qualified and of integrity, Columbia University obliging to all students to complete all core subject areas, among others, contemporary, humanities literature, writing, humanities art, the boundaries of science, global core, language Foreign and physical education.

Beyond the academic activities, Columbia University has other activities that aim to support the creativity and talents of students. Columbia University has an annual event held on the Sunday night before the last week of the exam. Where in the event, the students stand at the window and yell like hell, it aims to release their stress when facing exams.

Columbia University also has a team sport, for students who have the talent in sports or athletics, tin can join existing sports at this university. With pride mascot, dubbed the "Lion", the university's sports teams compete to be the best in a sports competition in CNAA Division I.

Well, for those of you who are interested to study at Columbia University, to obtain academic degrees which you aspire, you can go to the address above to register directly, or visit the official website of the university in advance to get more information at

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Swarthmore College

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Swarthmore College is a private liberal arts college located in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, United States. The University was established by committees of Quaker in 1864. Swarthmore College also joined in the Tri-College, the three best universities in the country. 
To produce human resources that have very high intellectual quality, Swarthmore College has offered at least 40 courses of study. And for students studying in this university, students are required to live in housing provided by the university. It is intended that the concentration of the students are not disturbed by the association that are not cool. 
For the achievement of their students, Swarthmore College also provides assistance in the form of loan funds, to continue their studies till a doctorate. According to university records there are about 20% Swarthmore College students who complete their education to become a doctor. 
For students who have a particular hobby, or simply just to channel the talent, they can join or participate in an organization that has been provided by the university. There is an annual event that is always held by a Swarthmore College named "The Graduate", the event was held at the beginning of the new school year. 
And in non-academic fields, especially sports, students can deliver their achievements and talents in their respective sports, by joining the university sports teams. Because, Swarthmore College has a university sports teams competing in the Centennial Conference in the NCAA Division III level. 
Well, for those of you who want to study at Swarthmore College, until eventually obtained in accordance with what you expect and you aspire, can go to the university address above to register directly, or visit the official website of the university in advance to obtain further information at http : //

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Williams College

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Williams College is a private liberal arts college located in Williamstown, Massachusetts, United States. University, founded in 1793, including one of the best universities in the Americas. In addition to their title as the best university in the country, Williams College also joined in the "Little Three," namely by Amherst College and Wesleyan University.

Academic activities in universities is set in the annual schedule, which typically campus activities began in the winter. In order to meet the needs of students in terms of studying, Williams College offers more than 30 majors areas of study that offers undergraduate and graduate programs.

In the academic field, the students are required to fulfill or complete the three fields of study, namely, the three arts and humanities, social sciences and three three science and math classes.

For students who want to develop their talents, or just a hobby, in this case the priority is extracurricular activities. Williams College also provides an organizations or sororities, there are about 150 organizations provided.

In addition to the organization and sororities, Williams College also has buildings appreciating history. One of them is the Museum of Art, and a library that has a very comprehensive collection of books and museum owned by the University contains works of artists who are fairly well-known world.

As one of the best universities, it is proper if Williams College, have delivered many alumni who became famous and successful people in their field, former US President James Garfield, AOL founder Steve Case. For sports teams, Williams College has a sports team whose nickname is "Ephs", the university sports teams compete to be the best in NCAA Division III.

Well, for those of you who want to study at Saint Catherine University, until finally obtained in accordance with what you expect and you aspire, can go to the university address above to register directly, or visit the official website of the university in advance to obtain further information on

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Lawrence University

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Lawrence University is a private institution of higher learning liberal arts founded in 1847. Lawrence University has a main building covering an area of ​​84 hectares located in the town of Appleton, WI.
This university is strategically located place because located in downtown Appleton, making it easier for visitors, or anyone who wants to go there.

 Besides other parts of Lawrence University, located on the banks of Lake Michigan that offers a beautiful panorama and a quiet atmosphere, making Lawrence University ideal place for teaching and learning.

In the academic field, Lawrence University offers studies Freshman and Senior experience, thesis or capstone project. While still studying at the university students are required to live in housing that has been provided by the university. It is intended that the concentration of the students in learning, not distracted or affected by the outside world promiscuity which had a negative impact, and ultimately have an impact on poor student achievement.

According to university records, was around 70% of students enrolled in the department of arts and sciences, while studies quarter at Lawrence Conservatory of Music. Lecturing activities in the university calendar often lasts three semesters, or three 10-week terms. For those students who excel or students who come from poor families do not need to worry, because the university also provides scholarships. In 2014, there were four students who get this facility.

Lawrence University has a tradition that is called or an annual event that has been around since 1966, one of the event called "The Great Midwest Trivia Contest". This event is usually held in January, and the event lasts 50 hours without any dive time for rest breaks. This event is also broadcast on the radio, and other electronic media.

The University has 22 sports teams, divided into teams of men and women, with pride mascot nicknamed the Viking. University sports team is there one founding member of the Midwest. It is also competing to be the best in the competition between universities in NCAA Division III.

Above is the description information about Lawrence University, for those of you who are interested in studying from one of the best universities is to obtain an academic degree that you want, please visit the above address to enroll, and be part of Lawrence University. For more details, please visit the official website at

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Southern Methodist University

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Southern Methodist University is a private individual higher education institution founded in 1911, the university is located in Dallas, Texas, United States. Southern Methodist University is affiliated with the United Methodist Church.

To print a qualified in their respective fields, Southern Methodist University has been providing educational programs that offer bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. The academic program includes, 40 undergraduate majors, 57 minors programs, 13 doctoral programs and 19 master's programs and much more.

So that teaching and learning takes place with comfortable and fun, Southern Methodist University has been providing facilities such as libraries, museums and many more facilities owned by Southern Methodist University. Suppose a student wants to seek additional information about the field of study they learned, they can find that information in the library.

In order to develop the talents and creativity of students in non-academic fields, Southern Methodist University also has provided organization and sororities. Southern Methodist University has about 200 organizations or sororities.

Southern Methodist University has a team of athletes consisting of teams of men and women, with pride mascot, dubbed by mutsang, Southern Methodist University athletic teams compete to be the best in the competition between universities in NCAA Division I.

As one of the leading universities with the quality of education is very high quality, it is appropriate if alumnus of Southern Methodist University many who become famous and successful people in their field, one of them was Laura Bush, a former first lady, James Isray, is CEO and owner Indianaplis Colts and David Dillon.

Above is the information about Southern Methodist University, for those of you who want to study to obtain an academic degree that you want from one of the best universities, please visit the address above to register. Or find out information in advance on the official website http//

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Pepperdine University

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Pepperdine University is a private institution of higher education located in Malibu CA, university affiliated with the Church of Christ and was founded in 1937. The name is taken from the university founder's name is George Pepperdine. The university is housed in a very wide area of ​​around 830 hectar and overlooks the pacific ocean to the right, so that presents a beautiful view during the afternoon, and Pepperdine University made a comfortable place for teaching and learning.

To print an intellectual ability and skill in the art, Pepperdine University also has programs that are applied to all students. With the existence of the program, there were about 60% of all students who excel in international education programs.

To meet the demanding needs of their students in science education, Pepperdine University has prepared a bachelor's degree program, graduate and master's degree.  One Degree Program That paled passable fame, and most preferred at this university are psychology, medicine, sports and business administration.

As one of the leading higher education institution with the quality of education is very high quality, it is not surprising if the alumni or students of this university are getting a lot of awards for achievement that they get, one of which is, winning 9 silver medals and a bronze 3medali winner of 10 gold.

As well as leading universities in general, Pepperdine University also has sports teams, divided into men's team and women's team, with the nickname that dubbed the "Wave". The university sports teams compete to be the best in a sports competition between universities.

Unique from Pepperdine University is, this university has a tool that is used to recycle waste or waste from a university that does not pollute the environment around the campus, and the results of those waste treatment used for something more useful for the common good.

Above is the information about Pepperdine University, for Reviews those of you who wish to study at one of the best universities to Obtain academic degrees that you want, Pepperdine University is an option you should Consider. To know more details, please visit the official website at

Monday, May 4, 2015

Kalamazoo College

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Kalamazoo College is a private liberal institution of higher learning founded in 1833, the university is one of the oldest universities located in Michigan, United States. The university is established on an area of ​​60 hectares located on the hill. Because far from urban noise and air pollution, making Kalamazoo College comfortable place for teaching and learning.

To meet the needs of students in their studies Kalamazoo College also has been providing academic programs and non-academic, Kalamazoo College is famous for its core curriculum called "K-Plan", the curriculum is divided into four main components learn about the arts, sciences and liberal also has an intern program which aims to introduce students to the world of work.

We do not have to worry because, all existing academic programs at Kalamazoo College, has been accredited by national and international accrediting agencies. And all existing educational programs are under the supervision and guidance of qualified lecturers and competent in their respective fields.

Robert Shiller also have a tradition called the Gracious Living or shortened by (DOGL), this tradition is held every year in the spring, when the bell rang signaling that the commencement of the event.

As one of the oldest universities in the reigning World with the quality of education is very high quality, it is not surprising that many graduates of this university is to be successful or get awards that could be the name of the school. One of them is Robert Shiller, who never won the Nobel Prize in 2013, and many more graduates from this university were to be successful in their respective fields.

Kalamazoo College has sports teams, divided into men's team and women's team, Kalamazoo College sports teams compete to be the best in the competition between universities in the NCAA Division II. In addition the university sports teams are also incorporated in the MIAA, one of the oldest sports konverensi in the country.

For those of you who wish to study at one of the best higher education institutions have to obtain academic degrees that you want, Kalamazoo College is one of the options tepan. Come to the address above to register and be part of the Kalamazoo College. For more details, please visit the official website at

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Pitzer College

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Pitzer College is an institution of higher education for the private liberal arts women founded in 1963, the university is located in Claremont, CA. Pitzer College is one of the many universities located in Claremont who share facilities and resources with other universities. Because it is located in a fairly wide area, Pitzer College has a natural laboratory that is good enough to support the research activities of college students.

To create create alumni qualified and competent in their respective fields, Pitzer College has provided more than 40 departments offering undergraduate, graduate, and a master's degree. All degree programs offered by the university, has been accredited by national and international accreditation agencies, and of course under the guidance of professors who are experienced and professional in their field.

In addition to academic activities, students can also join and participate in student organizations or associations which have also been provided by the university. The University has the organization, including one of them is the organization of sports, arts, theater, art and music. It is hoped by joining the student with the organization can both add to the creativity of the students so as to create a creative, skilled and cultured.

In addition to organizational and academic activities, Pitzer College has a tradition held every year, this tradition is held early in 1974, one of these traditions is a performing art and drama are played by members of the organization. Pitzer College also provides facilities such as Gold Student Center, and some halls are reserved for student activities.

Pitzer College has a team sport consisting of a men's team and women's team, which is a joint sports teams from three universities namely, Pitzer College, Pomona College, and Claremont College. Three college sports teams that compete to be the best in the competition between universities in Division III athletics.

Above is the information about Pitzer College, for those of you who want to study at one of the best universities is to earn an academic degree that you want, please come to the address above to register and be part of Pitzer College. For more details, please visit the official website at http//

University of Minnesota

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University of Minnesota is one of the flagship state higher education institutions located in Minnesota, United States. According to records, this university has produced about 85% of medical personnel in the country.

To produce talented and qualified professionals in their respective fields, the University of Minnesota has also provided 50 undergraduate degree programs and post-graduate. All the academic programs under the guidance of professional teachers. With the number of titles provided by the university, so that students can choose the degree program in accordance with what they want.

In addition to the above 50 degree programs, the university is also exacting a collaboration or cooperation with other universities, there are approximately 200 agencies to collaborative interdisciplinary study. All of the above is done in order to achieve the purpose of the university is to produce graduates qualified and able to compete in the world of work.

To support teaching and learning, the university has also provided some facilities such as libraries, halls, and a museum. Museums in the possession of the University of Minnesota is one of the largest museums in the world.

From inception to the present University of Minnesota already has a lot of achievements or awards for his research in the field of health sciences. One of the achievements or inventions owned by the university is a university student is able to make a pacemaker, which until now used in hospitals worldwide. With many awards obtained, will add to the long list of achievements which are owned by the University of Minnesota.

University of Minnesota has a team sport consisting of a men's team and women's team. With pride mascot, dubbed the "Goldy Gopher", and the red color maroon and gold as the official colors of the school. The university sports teams compete to be the best in the competition between universities in NCAA Division I.

Above is a description of the information about the University of Minnesota, for those of you who want to obtain academic degrees according to what you want from one of the best universities, please visit the above address to enroll, for more details please visit the official website at http//