Friday, March 6, 2015

CUNY, Brooklyn College

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CUNY, Brooklyn College is a community college located in Brooklyn, NY, USA, that seems to represent and describe New York City as a living classroom. Occupying an area of ​​35 acres, this campus has about 13 buildings located in the university. With the motto in Latin "Nil sine magno labore", which means "Nothing without great effort", Brooklyn College is one of the leading college in New York.

Brooklyn College is not familiar with the term discrimination for anyone. The main focus and the importance in this university is diversity. This is because students at Brooklyn College consists of various tribes, peoples, languages ​​and religions. According to the university, students who study at Brooklyn College representing 150 nations and countries around the world who use the communication between the members of the 105 different languages.

Through school and college, Brooklyn College offers 120 undergraduate and graduate degree programs that concentrate in creative arts, humanities, social, behavioral and natural sciences, math, education, and business. There is one of the most prestigious program at Brooklyn College, the BA-MD Program, which offers an eight-year path to an M.D. degree in conjunction with SUNY Downstate College of Medicine. However, only 15 students are admitted to the freshmen cohort.

To provide financial assistance to students who excel and those in need, the university will provide assistance and one of the financial assistance program at Brooklyn College is the Scholars Program, which selects students with strong writing ability and academic standing and award them the Presidential Scholarships every year.

As for students who want to develop their talents in sports, can join the university sports teams. The University has been providing a wide range of facilities for sporting activities students. With the facilities and supporting infrastructure such, students are expected to demonstrate achievements in sports in the NCAA Division III athletic competition, inter-university sports competition, followed by Brooklyn College sports teams, which is known as the Bulldogs.

Well, for those of you who want to study at Brooklyn College, until finally getting an academic degree to which you aspire, can go to the university to enroll directly address or visit the official website in advance to obtain further information at

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